Dennis M. Kowallek wrote:
> On Tue, 4 May 2010 00:39:36 +0100, "Ron Ferguson"
> <> wrote:
>> I would have a close look
>> at all the new functions, eg Source Writer, which were introduced
>> with V7.0 and decide if I would have a use for them.
> And I would also look at features that the programmers removed
> (multiple citations in source clipboard) and changed (relationships
> no longer calculated "on-the-fly", a relationship calculator that has
> been reported by some as "unusable", etc.).
> Only you can decide if the upgrade is worth it.
>> Finally, if you do take the step, and don't forget to update, if you
>> keep your old back-ups and *do not overwrite them* you can always
>> revert back by uninstalling V7.0, installing V6 from Legacy's
>> website and restoring from the old back-ups.
> Follow Ron's advice and make a clearly marked backup of each of your
> V6 databases and keep them safe.
> P.S. There is a way to install V7 side-by-side with V6. If you wish to
> go this route, ask and someone will post the instructions.
> Good luck!


Good point about features which have been removed, although Legacy tends not
to mention these!

The problems with the relationship calculator seem to have been largely
resolved with the last two updates. I think I am right in saying that the
introduction of including non-blood relationships were the start of the
problem, and that they largely arose when there were same family marriages,
especially multiple ones.

There may be indications that in these circumstances there may still be the
odd problem - Mary Young mentioned one on this list - but otherwise they
work fine. I do not have any marriages involving cousins (or at least none
that I know of), so I have never suffered from these problems, the main ones
which effected me were in the reports and the sourcing of reports - it was
the latter which caused problems in my web pages. These have been resolved.

Ron Ferguson

*New* Tutorial: Add Location Pins to Google Earth
Includes the family tree for Alan J Grimshaw
And the Fergusons of N.W. England

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