On 13/09/2010 16:45, Paul Barnes wrote:
> I have no problem with entering Reading, Berkshire, England in the place
> for births/baptism/cenus etc etc but what about more specific locations
> such as Royal Berkshire Hospital?  How you enter this ? as an address? I
> would prefer this to be on report but maybe not all the time.

I do not now use the Event Address feature because I don't like the way
it shows up in Reports.  I put the full address in the Location field
and an abbreviated version in the Short Location which I can use when it

An example of a long location is "Rising Sun Inn, Mitcham Road, Tooting
Graveney, Middlesex, England" and the short version would be "Mitcham
Rd, Tooting Graveney, MDX."
> One other thing, when using the English/Welsh birth, marriage, death
> registers you have a place of say, Rochford, Essex, England as a
> register of birth/marriage/death as this is the registry district but it
> may well be they were born in, say, Hawkwell as its a village wouldnt be
> a registry district.  I would like a way to use this data but to be
> certain its not used as its their actual place for the event (hope that
> makes sense!).

If the only information I have about birthplace is the Registration
District then that is what I enter as the Location - long version would
be Rochford Registration District and short version would be Rochford
RD.  I don't put the country for RDs although I do for all other long
locations and I don't put the county - and would advise you against
doing so - because RDs often do not fall within county boundaries but
span 2 counties.

Once I know more precisely where the person was born/married/died, that
is the information I will change the Location to reflect the more exact
data I now have.  However, I will now have 2 Sources for, say,
Birthplace, and one of them will be the Birth Index and will show the
Registration District.  The other might be a Census and will show what
was entered thereon as Place of Birth.

I have lots of Birth entries where the Date is in the form December Q
1850 and the Location is in the form "Oxton, Birkenhead, Cheshire,
England" and there are 2 Sources, a Birth Index and a Census.

Jenny M Benson

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