
See below for my replies for each of your questions.


--If you record a birth location as "Smallville Hospital, 123, Small Street, 
Smallville, rest of location", what do you use the birth address field for?

I don't use the address fields for birth, death, burial, etc. as I don't like 
how they appear or don't appear in reports or webpages.  I do have about 60 
addresses in the master list set up for source repositories and to-do items.

--How do you handle a situation where ancestors living in the same house over 3 
censuses, are shown as "125 Cundy Street, Sheffield" on the first and third 
census, but "125 --Cundy Street, Nether Hallam" on the second one?

How could the location be the same for the 1st and 3rd censuses but not the 
2nd?  I can see it changing over time but not likely to change and then change 

--Don't you have thousands of locations?  I have a small database (3300 
individuals and 850 marriages) but even just using town as my smallest entity I 
have almost 800      --locations.  If I split each location into individual 
addresses, it would probably triple the number of locations.

No, I don't have thousands of locations.  My database contains 2266 
individuals, 823 marriages and 711 locations.  Of those 711 locations, there 
are 59 in the city where I grew up.  Every address where someone lived, every 
church, every hospital, every cemetery is individually listed in my locations.

As Ron Ferguson (I think) stated, because this is a relational database, it can 
handle these locations quite easily.  Enter once and use many times if needed.

--Maybe I should revert to the old scheme again, but putting street addresses 
back into locations will take a Looooooong time.  What are the advantages?  Is 
it actually     --worth worrying about?

It all depends upon what you want.  As has been said many times, Legacy is 
sooooo flexible that we can all use it the way we want.  If you are happy using 
the address fields on the birth, death, etc. events, then go ahead.  That's 
your choice.  I prefer to have all of the address included in the locations so 
that they appear IN FULL in my web pages and reports.

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