Ron, your comments are very interesting (and I love the comment about
probablity theory <g>)

Since you're in the UK and probably most of your research is there,
your comments on this are most valuable, as are other comments you've
made about UK research.

Ok - down to my question - where do you enter the Q dates in Legacy?
Do you enter them in lieu of the actual BMD as a reference for future
research or do you lave the BMD blank and enter the Q date as part of
the Source Detail?

In my limited UK research, I haven't run across UK dates yet, but I
suspect I might one of these days! I'm fortunate to have actual dates
from immigration papers, tombstones and church records.

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On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 9:16 AM, Ron Ferguson <> wrote:
> With respect I am far from confused about Q dates, I have been using the GRO
> indexes for far longer than I care to think, and much longer than the Q
> dates have existed. Indeed, I remember them being introduced into Legacy. I
> did not like them then, and still don’t!
> With regard to the actual date of registration, *which is what a Q Date
> allocates to a specific quarter*, your calculation is invalid and in my view
> adds nothing to the accuracy of the useless exercise of trying to allocate a
> date to a BMD - for example one has 8 weeks to register a DOB, and before
> 1875 it was not even compulsory. BTW. I am qualified in probability theory.
> At no stage in its compilation does the GRO index include any indication
> whatsoever of the actual date of the BMD. Whilst you mother's birth
> (December) appeared in the March returns, all this says is that instead of
> registering the birth there and then, as could have been done, they waited
> until the following year.
> At best, as you originally, and correctly, indicated one can only say that a
> BMD probably happened at about the time of registration , but not later than
> the last month, and in my view any further attempt to refine the date is
> invalid. I am sticking to my previous comment.
> Ron Ferguson

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