Hi, I know I'm coming late to this discussion, but I'm thinking I would have a 
fact/event in the database for the actual event (say, engagement party), and 
then cite the newspaper as the source for that information (with a scan of it 
attached to the citation).  If the article itself is worth quoting, I would 
transcribe it into the Notes for the event.  All or maybe just part of it.  I 
just love how they used to write newspaper articles, so I'm likely to do that.

Another "event" that might be reported in the newspaper is a death.  I know 
many people add an "Obituary" event, but I haven't done that; rather, citing 
the obituary as a source for the death information... or whatever other 
information I can glean from the obit, for whoever (not necessarily the 
deceased).  I would scan the obit and attach it to the source.  Again, if the 
obit is flowery, I might quote it... maybe like a description of her charity 
activities, in an event called "Community Service" or something.  Hmm... 

Am I missing something in this thread?  Can you give an example of the sort of 
event you're talking about?  I seem to not be talking about sentence structures 
at all!
Again, I apologize if I missed it earlier.
--Paula in Texas
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 From: Kathy Thompson <kmthoms...@gmail.com>
To: LegacyUserGroup@LegacyUsers.com
Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2013 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Sentence Structure for Multiple events of the same type 
at the same time

I think I'm glad I've only done about a dozen newspaper article events in this 
way so far - I think I'm going to have to think about what may be better.
I'm not actually concerned about needing/wanting two dates for newspaper events 
as I've found that the event happens on one day and can be entered as an event 
by itself, and the newspaper reports can follow over the next days, weeks or 
even months (depending on the type of event and the need for ongoing reporting)
Since I want to record the newspaper specific event, and they can happen in 
vastly different places, I need to have them separate from each other, 
especially when one report will give one bit of info, but another report may 
give something else.
Putting each newspaper in just as a source will mean (in my mind) that the 
event was insignificant in some way, and knowing my potential audience the way 
I do, they aren't going to look at the sources to then find out that it was 
actually something that was quite significant and made nationwide news.
I do need to put the newspapers in as events.

But yes, I would love to have concatenatable sentences - they can do it with 
the sources, so why not with the event sentences?


On 1 September 2013 09:55, Tony Rolfe <geneal...@gillandtony.com> wrote:

I'm sure Sherry or Brian will be able to give you a much more detailed
>explanation, but I believe that the location field should be for
>locations.  I did put all sort of stuff into random fields in my early
>days, but found that it made things harder rather than easier.
>Untangling it was a pain.
>If you put the newspaper name in the description, it will often include
>a location by default (New York Times or Sydney Morning Herald) and if
>it doesn't, I just add a bit in brackets  - Daily Express (London) or
>The Times (London).   You can then use the location for the place the
>event happened.  e.g.  [Ondate] [Desc] reported that [HeShe] had been
>killed in an industrial accident at [Place]. [Notes][Sources]
>Another approach would be to have a single event describing what
>happened and put each newspaper article as a separate source.
>There is a problem with newspaper reports in that you need two dates for
>the event sentence.  One when the event happened and one when the
>article appeared.  I have put in a request for a new way to create event
>sentences but I'm not holding my breath.
>I also put in a request for concatenatable events, so that two or more
>events appear in one paragraph, instead of on separate lines.  I'm not
>holding my breath for that one either.
>Anyway, that's my two bob's worth.
>Maybe someone can give a more technical explanation of the use of
>Locations.  Or maybe I'm too pedantic.
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