On 22 Jan 2016 5:40 PM, Ed Ladendorf wrote:

> Thank you once again. It's possible that I don't really understand how the 
> cloud
> could work (or not) with Legacy. Is it not possible to have the program itself
> in the cloud, and it could sync with the Windows version of Legacy? If it is
> possible, that seems like it would be a great thing for a lot of people. Sorry
> if I did not understand that possibility correctly.

Totally different business model. What you're asking would entail running Legacy
Family Tree as a Web application rather than as a Desktop application. You
wouldn't then purchase the software, but simply pay a monthly subscription to
use it. In all probability, keeping the data on your PC would incur massive
costs as the data flows back and forth. It then becomes cheaper to keep the data
on the website and you've lost the ultimate ownership of it. Just like using
Ancestry's software to maintain a tree on their website.

Mike Fry (Jhb)

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