
It could be more like Microsoft Office products, where you subscribe to
the software, such as Word, and you can save your documents in your
OneDrive account or on your computer or another cloud storage, such as
Dropbox.  With the OneDrive  (a cloud storage space), you can access
documents stored there from any computer, pad or smart phone that can
open or view a Word document.  Same for Dropbox.


I haven't adopted Legacy yet, waiting for the TMG importer as using a
gedcom to import looses too much of my data.  However, using TMG, I
store my files on Dropbox.  That way they are backed up should I loose
my hard drive.  They are also accessible from any other Windows computer
running TMG (TMG never developed a Mac, iOS or Android app before going
out of business).   In fact, there are three of us working from three
computers in two different states on the TMG database.  We coordinate so
that we don't have two people manipulating the data at the same time.

I also store my Legacy data in Dropbox.  So I can install Legacy on my
hard drive on more than one computer and access the data from each.
Advise to make sure you don't have the same data set open on more than
one computer at a time.  I haven't tested that to see if anything
breaks.  Making a change in any database while making a change from a
second computer usually means one person's changes don't get saved or
get overwritten.

I'm using Legacy in the free mode, as I am checking it out and waiting
for the TMG importer.  So I don't know if they have an Android or iOS
app, but yes, that would be nice.  Also Mac would be great as I have one
researcher that uses one and can't help enter data in TMG.  I'm also
looking at RootsMagic, which does import TMG and does have Android and
iOS apps.  I haven't tested the apps yet, but did learn that their TMG
importer didn't import everything.  I will be discussing that with their
support staff. Their exporter to the web has room for improvement as
well. Haven't tested Legacy's exporter yet.

For me, whichever application gets the TMG importer right, that's the
one I will probably go with.  MacOS is my next priority, followed by iOS
and Android.

Jamie, webmaster
Poindexter Descendants Association

On 1/22/2016 10:30 AM, MikeFry wrote:
> On 22 Jan 2016 5:40 PM, Ed Ladendorf wrote:
>> Thank you once again. It's possible that I don't really understand how the 
>> cloud
>> could work (or not) with Legacy. Is it not possible to have the program 
>> itself
>> in the cloud, and it could sync with the Windows version of Legacy? If it is
>> possible, that seems like it would be a great thing for a lot of people. 
>> Sorry
>> if I did not understand that possibility correctly.
> Totally different business model. What you're asking would entail running 
> Legacy
> Family Tree as a Web application rather than as a Desktop application. You
> wouldn't then purchase the software, but simply pay a monthly subscription to
> use it. In all probability, keeping the data on your PC would incur massive
> costs as the data flows back and forth. It then becomes cheaper to keep the 
> data
> on the website and you've lost the ultimate ownership of it. Just like using
> Ancestry's software to maintain a tree on their website.

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