
Paul is correct.  Your desktop and laptops using Dropbox have a folder
that is called Dropbox.  Anything you save there is synchronized to the
cloud Dropbox server.  Anything synced  to the cloud server from one
computer is also synced to your other devices.  If you are offline in a
library, you have access to your Legacy files from the Dropbox folder on
your laptop.  The next time you are online with that laptop, Dropbox
will sync your changes in your local folder with the cloud server, and
likewise, with your other devices.

The key is to make sure that no one, you or your wife, access that
Legacy file until the changes you made while offline are synced with the
cloud.  If she were to make changes online at home while you are making
changes offline, when you get back online, your updates may overwrite
hers, or worse, the whole database get corrupted.

My team are distant cousins working on the same database.  We use Skype
to determine if the others are online (in our case, we never use TMG
when offline).  If I see someone is booted up, as indicated in Skype, I
text or call them before I boot TMG on my computer to confirm if they
have TMG open.  We all agreed to set Skype to always boot when we turn
on our computers so that we can rely on the Skype indicators.  If no one
else has their computers showing active in Skype, I can open TMG.  This
would work with Legacy as well, except in your case where you are
offline in the library, but you could open Legacy to look at data, just
don't make any changes, then you don't have to worry about overwriting
your wife's changes.

Maybe we should rename this thread to Using Dropbox with Legacy.


On 1/22/2016 9:41 PM, Steve Hayes wrote:
> On 22 Jan 2016 at 6:03, Sherry/Support wrote:
>> You can store the Family File in the cloud, but the program itself has
>> to be installed under Windows or a Windows emulator.
> One way of doing it is by using Dropbox.
> You can keep your Legacy data files in a Dropbox directory. I have done this
> with Rootsmagic, where my wife and I access the data files from desktop or
> laptop computers. It is best to turn Bropbox syncing off when actually
> working on the file, and to make sure that one is only working in it on one
> computer at a time.
> This would probably work with Legacy v 7.5 or earlier, but would be awkward
> with Legacy 8.x, which has a different default method of storing data files.
> As a result of that I transfer the Legacy data from my desktop to my laptop
> with a USB flash drive, and every time I change I have to do the "Restore
> User Defaults" routine. But I still back the data file up to Dropbox.

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