Yes, you can. The earlier memorial takes precedence. Ideally, the later 
memorial is merged into the earlier one, but if the later contributor takes no 
heed, then you contact FAG. All is explained in their Help files.

Cheers, Carolyn

From: LegacyUserGroup <> on behalf of 
Brian Kelly <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 1:37 PM
To: Legacy User Group
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Fina a Grave duplicates

You can enter only one into the new FAG field so I would use an event
for any duplicates (And I have found one or two people with duplicate
memorial numbers.

There was a discussion (I think it was on the facebook group) about this
and apparently if you are a member of Find A Grave you can follow some
procedure to report the duplication.

Brian Kelly

On 02-May-17 2:21 PM, Ian Macaulay wrote:
> Does any one know how to handle duplicate entries in Find a Grave in the
> new legacy field?
> What happens when a FAG number is deleted in Find a Grave after its been
> logged in Legacy?
> I am not worried about all this but I do have some 6000 FAG numbers in
> events that I would like to move to the FAG data window in Legacy 9,
> Just mentally running through possible traps.
> Ian


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