On Tue, Aug 03, 2010 at 07:42:35PM -0400, Richard Weait wrote:
> The presumption is that contributors who joined under ccbysa only,
> have the right to choose whether to proceed under ODbL or not.  Do you
> suggest that they should not have a choice?

Not arguing against people having a choice, but I do think that, whether
or not the license change happens, people should be able to get all of
the old data, including history, under the terms of the existing
CC-by-sa license.

> If the OSMF Board were to decide, "okay, that's it.  All the data is
> relicensed" without asking contributors, is that in line with their
> mandate to assist OpenStreetMap but not control it?

They can’t do this:  It’s legally dubious (although can possibly be
worked around), and it’s morally wrong (you can’t just relicense
somebody else’s (yours) data without getting permission).

That’s why the intention is to ask everyone to agree to the new license
and contributor terms.

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall

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