On 30.10.2012 13:30, Michael Collinson wrote:
> I propose that we base a re-write on: *OpenStreetMap considers
> **Open Data to be a usefully collected set of intelligently or
> machine-made physical observations only.  Purely algorithmic
> augmentation of data and re-casting of data to use, store or transmit it
> in different manners is not part of the data IP. Share Alike may however
> apply to physical observations inside the augmented or re-cast data; in
> this case the physical observations must be provided to the public in a
> commonly used or documented open format as per ODbL clause 4.6b*. The
> wording might be improved, but that is the general idea.

I just want to say that I like this suggestion. It is the first time
I've seen a possible definition of what would be required to be
published because of the Share Alike clause - and what wouldn't - that
draws a clearly understandable line and where I could actually imagine
that it would be reasonably applicable in practice.


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