> why wouldn't you want to provide OSM with a list of addresses that you
> tried to geo-code (successfully and non-successfully)

To use an extreme but hopefully illustrative example, consider the queries
used to create the thematic map on this page:


I'm sure you can imagine similar scenarios related to sales leads,
potential hires, the healthcare industry or other forms of geographic
information that are sensitive for personal or professional reasons.

More generally, geocoding services that produce a product that has ongoing
licensing obligations--e.g. the user must attend to how the result
intermingles with their other data--will always be a hard sell. I realize
that this may not be of much concern to everyone here, but I do think that
more use of OSM for geocoding will spur improvements in various classes of
under-mapped data (addresses, most obviously).

On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 4:01 AM, Simon Poole <si...@poole.ch> wrote:

> Am 23.09.2015 um 01:26 schrieb Alex Barth:
> > ......
> >
> > The Fairhurst Doctrine won't get us all the way on geocoding. It still
> > leaves open what happens in scenarios where elements of the same kind
> > in third party databases are geocoded with OSM data and others with
> > third party data. This is a highly relevant scenario as OSM data
> > particularly for geocoding (addresses, POIs) is usually not complete
> > enough. The ability to use OSM for geocoding and "backfill" it with
> > (non-license-compatible) third party data is exactly what would would
> > make a gradual adoption of OSM possible.
> >
> > .....
> This is obviously off topic as it has little to do with comments and
> input on the proposed guideline (and the proposed guideline has nothing
> directly to do with geo-coding), however I'm curious: why wouldn't you
> want to provide OSM with a list of addresses that you tried to geo-code
> (successfully and non-successfully), for example as proposed in:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Open_Data_License/Geocoding_-_Guideline#The_Failover_Issue_and_Publishing_Derived_Datasets
> Simon
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