En relación a [L-I] Re: Serbia a "typical postcommunist state",
el 22 Nov 00, a las 22:06, Owen Jones dijo:

> Reply to Mine Aysen Doyran, at [EMAIL PROTECTED], who wrote on the
> 22/11/2000 21:34:
> > In my humble opinion, you should subscribe Pen-l. I am sure you will find a
> > large audience to your views there.
>  Typical of the Milosevic fan club crowd. Those who do not subscribe to
> their twisted apologia for that regime are pro-imperialist traitors. I know
> perfectly well what your implication here was. Of course it is absurd since
> I am frequently denounced as a pro-Milosevic stooge by certain sections of
> the British Left who found themselves incapable of defending Yugoslavia from
> imperialism, as I did. Indeed you may have seen that article where I
> denounced the CPGB for social-chauvinism due to their slogan of
> revolutionary defeatism on the question, in a war between an armada of
> imperialist states and a semi-colonial country.

Owen, Owen, when will you seriously grow up? I value you since the hard days when it
was not easy to defend Yugoslavia against the bombings, and you know this very well.
I would also like to remember you, however, that being on the good side is a
prerequisite to abandon it later, and I fear your current views have put you on the
side you were fighting against during the bombings. Mine's proposition, from what I
could learn of PEN-L during my permanence there, is a very sound one indeed. Many
people there would honestly agree with you. Mischievousness on her side, at most,
lies in what she did _not_ tell you on some other people who post on PEN-L

>  And I have no intention of joining the community of internet characters
> whose dislike of the reactionary epoch in which we find themselves leads
> them to reinvent their world as mailing lists.

The problem with this garrulous chatter is that it can be easily turned against
yourself, Owen. In the view of many on these lists, it is YOU who belongs to that
community. Why not try a less personal take?

> Indeed, I wonder if Mailing
> List Syndrome has been officially accepted as a condition by psychologists
> yet.

Yes, it has. Sorry to tell you, it is particularly serious on young people. Be

All the above with the grain of salt that should never be forgotten here.

Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

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