On Wed, 25 Oct 2017 02:55:29 -0700 (PDT)
"Edward K. Ream" <edream...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I really don't understand the intent behind #561 
> <https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/561>. I've used the 
> jupyter notebook enough to know that the server can show the
> notebook, and can evaluate expressions, in python, or other languages
> if "kernels" for those languages exist.
> Well, Leo can already open and save jupyter notebooks, and can
> evaluate expressions (programs) in python or, with a bit of work, any
> other language. So what, exactly, does dealing with the jupyter
> server add to Leo?

~100% of the computational power of Jupyter.  This includes Jupyter's
*existing* ability to run multiple languages, to move data between
those languages, e.g. some data cleanup in Python then some statistical
analysis in R before kicking over to javascript for plotting.  I
haven't used Jupyter that much, but I think it also has adapters for
accessing potentially huge datasets through cloud services and
interfaces to distributed computing platforms like Hadoop and Spark.
And I think data persistence between sessions.  Plus a whole lot of
things I don't know about - I know there are some esoteric integrations
like the doit dependency management system for example.

All of that could be emulated in Leo, just as all of Leo could be
emulated in assembly language :-)  I don't think Leo has the developer
hours to ever emulate a worthwhile amount of that though.

The little I have used Jupyter though, I wasn't really very impressed
with its interface.  I think it has some limited support for
hierarchy, but nothing like Leo.  So the primary benefit of #561 is
bringing all the power of Jupyter to Leo users, but secondarily I think
Leo might be a better interface to Jupyter.

Cheers -Terry

> I'm asking this question here, rather than in #561, so that it will
> be seen by the widest audience.
> Edward

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