> Leo in Clojurescript:
> https://repo.computingart.net/leocljs/vinfo?name=284258273ec5c6a5
> Leo in Coffeescript:
> https://leoelvue.computingart.net//vinfo?name=961ffef69d171c52
> Edward

The other alternative would be to use fossil executable. It is a single 
file, just put it in PATH. Fossil for Linux, Windows and Mac are here 

With fossil in the path type the following command in shell:
fossil clone https://leoelvue.computingart.net/ leoelvue.fossil

fossil clone https://repo.computingart.net/leocljs/ leocljs.fossil

These command each, will make single repository file. Then you enter an 
empty folder and run:

fossil open <path to local repository file>

and you would have all files in their latest version.


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