On Monday, January 17, 2022 at 12:57:12 PM UTC-5 David Szent-Györgyi wrote:

> For more straightforward scripting engine uses, there's always Lua, though 
> the 
>> fork of Lua done to implement a JIT <http://luajit.org> trails the main 
>> implementation <https://www.lua.org>. There is an interesting offshoot 
>> of the language that is aimed at systems programming <https://nelua.io>. 
On Monday, January 31, 2022 at 12:04:25 PM UTC-5 tbp1...@gmail.com wrote:

> Ah, Lua!  I think I last tried it back before I had even encountered  
> Python, but back then I didn't really have a need for it. Maybe I should 
> revisit it.  I would want at least some equivalent for numpy and a gui 
> system like Qt.  I gather that wxWindows is a possibility among others.

>From a Web search for the words "Lua" and "Numpy":

Lua Equivalent for NumPy and SciPy? - Stack Overflow 

Convert Torch Lua into Numpy Python - Stack Overflow 

That spurs a search for the words "Torch" and "Lua", which is fruitful, if 
frustrating in the end. From the Wikipedia article on Torch 
Torch is an open-source machine learning library, a scientific computing 
framework, and a script language based on the Lua programming language. It 
provides a wide range of algorithms for deep learning, and uses the 
scripting language LuaJIT <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LuaJIT>, and an 
underlying C implementation. It was created at IDIAP at EPFL. As of 2018, 
Torch is no longer in active development. However PyTorch 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PyTorch>, which is based on the Torch 
library, is actively developed as of June 2021.

PyTorch has language bindings for Python and for C++. I read that there is 
information available on calling C++ functions from Lua, but I don't know 
how easy that is, given the reliance of C++ on mangling names. 

There's also SciLua <https://scilua.org>, which I read is most easily 
installed with the ULua distribution of LuaJIT <https://ulua.io>. I'm not 
sure that falling back on a specific distribution of a minority 
implementation of Lua promises greater ease than pursuing a minority 
implementation of Python, alas. 

More on Torch below. 

>From Torch | Scientific computing for LuaJIT. <http://torch.ch/>:
Torch is a scientific computing framework with wide support for machine 
learning algorithms that puts GPUs first. It is easy to use and efficient, 
thanks to an easy and fast scripting language, LuaJIT, and an underlying 
C/CUDA implementation.

A summary of core features:

   - a powerful N-dimensional array
   - lots of routines for indexing, slicing, transposing, …
   - amazing interface to C, via LuaJIT
   - linear algebra routines
   - neural network, and energy-based models
   - numeric optimization routines
   - Fast and efficient GPU support
   - Embeddable, with ports to iOS and Android backends

>From Lua and Torch - Artificial Inteligence - GitBook 
Torch is a scientific computing framework based on Lua with CPU and GPU 
backends. You can imagine like a Numpy but with CPU and GPU implementation. 
Some nice features:

   - Efficient linear algebra functions with GPU support
   - Neural Network package, with automatic differentiation (No need to 
   backpropagate manually)
   - Multi-GPU support
Lua Torch :: Anaconda.org <https://anaconda.org/alexbw/lua-torch>

Get Lua running with Torch on Windows 10 with limited Admin rights - Stack 

Lua & Torch Tutorial - luckylwk.github.io 

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