El Domingo, 8 de Abril de 2007 19:30, Bruce Dubbs escribió:

> I like this a lot better.


> Now I'm going to get a bit picky about the pdf, but its offered in a
> constructive manner.  Don't feel obligated to fix any of these issues.
> I'd like to see other opinions too.

Starting with my owns ones ;-)

> 1.  The font on the headers doesn't seem right.  Most of the text is
> standard serif fonts (computer modern?).  That looks fine.  The headers
> are sans-serif and bold.  The bold seems a little too wide.

My acroreader say that the used ones are this


> Looking at a typical O'Reilly book, they use ITC Garamond Light (Italic)
> for headings and Garamond Book for the normal text.  It seems to flow
> there pretty nicely.
> How much control do we have over fonts?


I have not full read it yet, but look that for files outside the ones listed 
above extra FOP configurations are needed and may implies that the 
user/reader must have intalled that fonts on their system.

> 2.  The highlighted text has borders that seem a little heavy.  The
> notes have borders that are light gray.  'Important' and 'Caution' areas
> have the heavy border too.  Perhaps removing the border completely from
> the gray backgrounds and using the light gray border for all the light
> yellow backgrounds would give a better visual appearance.

 The colors and border are the same than the ones used on the XHTML output. 
The border could be changed from 1pc to 0.5pc to make ir less heavy, but in 
resume I would to have the same look in both versions.

Manuel Canales Esparcia
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