I'd like to give my opinion and 2 cents worth to this topic, even if I'm not a 
member or contributor. I've been reading the forums more regularly recently.

I came across LFS 3 - 4 years ago, when I got upset with all other 
distributions that I
had tried. Upset mainly because of their PM systems. But not so much their 
(Debian's apt is great), but because of their dependency resolution, or lack 

Now, by lack thereof I don't mean that they don't resolve; they do, but the 
especially for packages like GNOME or KDE, are horrendous, and not all of them 
as the BLFS book shows.

Personally, I want a lean, fast and stable system, and when I add an 
application, I don't
want to add 20 others, because there might be some optional things, etc.
Even if you use a PM to add kdebase or the gnome core packages, you'll see an 
list of dependencies and upon checking, you'll find that you don't need all of 
But the result is that your system gets bloated and runs more and more 

One of the main reasons that I come back to LFS all the time and rebuild, 
because I've
tried so many distros and none of them has really convinced me with regards to 
package dependencies.

So even though the educational benefits of learning how to build LFS and a 
Linux system
in general, aren't that big anymore, I still prefer LFS.
But admittedly, I don't always have the time to rebuild or build new packages 
and optional
applications and using a PM is more comfortable and quicker.

Personally, I've tried DESTDIR and it works fine, except for the odd packages 
that ignore it.
Because of that, when I can't be bothered investigating whether a package 
supports it or not,
I fall back to simply building the package in the normal way and then just 
looking at the difference
in files created on the file system.
Yes, maybe not the most advanced way, but it works smoothly. Takes a bit more 
time because you
have to wait a bit between builds, but hey.
And I've created and am still creating scripts to automate builds and that will 
build dependencies. Works well, except for the dependencies yet.
My thoughts after that were to create some kind of PM, whether source based or 
based or both.

With regards to whether or not a PM should be part of LFS, I am taking the 
pragmatic approach.
So, it doesn't necessarily have to.
I would almost go as far as to say that the Linux world is spoiled by having a 
PM (while I am
aware that this is probably one of the reasons why it has grown in popularity), 
because look
at Windows or Mac OS X. Where's their PM? And people are still using these OSs.
Mac OS X is a great OS, and it comes pre-packaged with most things you need. If 
you want more,
you go and search and find it (yes, I know there's fink, etc.).

OK, this might be a bit OT, but I wanted to give my input here as well, as I'm 
trying to give more
to the LFS community.

I've actually had thoughts of going towards an LFS based distribution, because 
I'm getting so upset
with other distros, that would offer you a lean and fast environment, with a DE 
of choice and all
the necessary applications to do your day to day business.
But not five of each ... I don't want/need 5 different word processors or chat 
applications or the like;
just want one that works well and is well integrated.
Part of that distro could be a PM, although I personally don't think that to be 
so much of a big topic,
if the rest of the distro offers everything you need, is not bloated and runs 

Any thoughts on this welcome and I hope I didn't intrude on this topic too much.
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