Alexander E. Patrakov wrote:
> Howard_apfc6 wrote:
>> - Seems like the ultimate build platform for newbs.
> That's exactly what I am against. LiveCD users create 90% of support 
> requests. 
> Noobs (not to be confused with newbs) should be filtered out, e.g., by 
> telling 
> them to install and configure a real distro.

But, in all honesty, that isn't solely the LiveCD's fault. The CD itself 
still does some filtering in that it drops you splat onto a command 
prompt. If you don't know how to configure a Linux system (or at least, 
open up a file to read it on the command line and follow instructions 
therein) you won't get very far.

I think there is an unwarranted aversion to support requests in this 
community. If LFS is truly about education, it should welcome helping 
users through the experience, instead of pushing them away. If anything, 
this is more argument to have the FAQ kept up to date so that it is easy 
to say to the arriving Noobs (who will come, with or without a CD...) 
'Your question is answered in the FAQ - don't post here until you check it.'

> Besides, the LFS LiveCD has no real technical benefits as a host, except that 
> it 
> is preconfigured and already contains the packages - but why not download 
> them 
> separately in a town with a broadband connection, put onto a flash drive, and 
> use with your current Linux distro?
> In short, LFS website misadvertises the LiveCD as a "well-tested platform" 
> (nwebs confuse this with the "best platform"), while if one has a distro 
> installed, it should work just as well!

I disagree. The LiveCD exists as standing proof that the LFS book is 
sound and produces a working system. It is therefore 'well tested' in 
the sense that it is a result of all the work that the LFS developers 
have done. I grant that it is a convenience to start from a system that 
you know has worked for others in building LFS, instead of perhaps 
trudging through setting up another distro. But it is, at the least, a 
very useful convenience for long-time users of LFS, and at the most, the 
means to allow a user to experience LFS where there are otherwise 
hardware or bandwidth limitations.

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