Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> Eric Stout wrote:
>> (that is, tools for raid, not the specific package "raidtools"..  mdadm is
>> much better in my opinion)
> When was the last time you used the CD? mdadm has been available on it 
> for a long time. Or were you saying that there are other tools it is 
> missing?

A sure path to insanity: try to be all things to all people. Keep the 
Live CD addressing the major goals of LFS with small enhancements to 
make Live CD a valuable addition to *that*, not to the needs of 
engineers that are much more sophisticated than the target audience of LFS.

NB: no slam intended. I myself have over 30 years in a variety of 
capacities from systems analysis, design, programming, ... to all sorts 
of "hands on" activities. But I do *not* expect or ask LFS to become 
other than what it's primary goals codify. Ditto for Live CD.

Follow the KISS principal, not the inverse KISS principal (i.e Keep it 
Stupid, Simple).  ;-)

> --
> JH

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