Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> It has recently been suggested to me that the LFS LiveCD project be 
> killed. The main arguments for this are, essentially:
> 1) It is currently unmaintained
> 2) It removes the essential prerequisite of being able to configure a 
> Linux system
> 3) It leads to less testing from other hosts
> 4) A seeming lack of community interest in contributing. Especially, 
> essential testing (and reports on the results of tests!) on varied 
> hardware does not seem to be taking place
> As you may guess, I have mixed feelings about this. But after reflecting 
> on it a bit, my hesitancy to agree comes mostly from personal attachment 
> to the CD and perhaps not what is best for LFS.
> At this point I need community input. I realize that many of you may use 
> and appreciate the CD, just as I do. But realistically, this project 
> will die of its own if it does not get some help. And if that happens, 
> then LFS would be better off removing the dead weight.
> I have some energy and some ideas to put back into the project, but only 
> if I get some help with development and testing. I need to know two things:
> * Does the community still want the LiveCD project? (Consider that a 
> couple of the arguments above imply that the LFS LiveCD by its nature is 
> degrading the quality of LFS)
> * If so, is the community prepared to lend help in keeping it alive?
> If the answer to both questions is not a solid yes, I'm afraid that 
> we'll have no choice but to kill the project.
> --
> JH
Without the LiveCD I would never have been able to get LFS6.2 up and 
running. Biggest worry is to have the right basic tools at hand to build 
from scratch, i.e. the adequate releases of GCC, linker, header files 
etc ...

Why not downsize the project just to fit that? Bootable CD with 
networking enabled, just include the right releases of the basic 
building blocks suiting the needs for building a basisc system and 
nothing else? Certainly no need to have a GUI included

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