This morning I was referred to this site with microcode updates:

But it claims to have microcode updates going back to the venerable "P54" 
Pentium-90 and "P55" Pentium-233 MMX.  I'm confused.  We're not told these i586 
CPUs, which don't do speculative execution, are susceptible to SPECTRE.  I 
don't recall reading microcode *could* be updated on them!  I was afraid 
microcode for the Pentium-3 family, a few of which I *can* still run, would be 
neglected, but I don't know what to make of all this.  Making sense of Intel's 
file names as relates to particular hardware is also obscure to me.

Paul Rogers
Rogers' Second Law: "Everything you do communicates."
(I do not personally endorse any additions after this line. TANSTAAFL :-)
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