First some corrections, then suggestions from one who knows.

> Is there a reason to build "Linux From Scratch 7.10 pdf"

Yes, he's going to run it on a 586!

> Version 9.0 stable is out now, also using a PDF is not good, the html 
> version is the 1 to use

Not for a 20 year-old CPU, chipset, and hardware of the time.  You do remember 
all i386 support has been stripped from the kernel, don't you?  He's doing the 
right thing, almost.

> > Will LFS ver 9.0 produce 32 bit files like the earlier versions, I 
> > thought that it might only have 64 bit..
> >
> I think 9.0 still runs on 32 bit machine (I've built it recently on a 32 
> bit VM, apparently with no problems up to now).

He's going to have severe headaches with GMP!

> I didn't notice you had been using 7.10 from about 3 years ago
> (trying to read the long single lines from your webmail is hard).
> And we've forgotten all the specifics of that old release.

Not exactly!  I still maintain it.  Run it on a Coppermine daily.  7.7 even!  
;)  But I suggest he fall back to LFS-6.1.  That's what I used for my 586 
build.  7.x would be a real "heavy lift" for a 586.

Now, here's what to do.  Stop trying to build it on your modern DELL system!  
As mentioned, GMP will compile code using SSSE-x instructions and they'll blow 
up on your 586.  Nothing will run.  Persuading GMP it's wrong isn't easy or 
certain.  Been there, done that, got the T-shirt, went back to build on the 
sort of system it's intended to run on.  Use the 586!  Find an old compatible 
distro for your host--maybe get the old LFS-LIVE CD.  Yes, the 586 will work 
hard to do it.  Compiling X will be a 12hrs overnight job!  Firefox, 10hrs more 
or less, will have to be v2.0.0.16 at best, and it won't be able to handle 
modern websites, but you knew that.  But when you're done it will run.

Paul Rogers
Rogers' Second Law: "Everything you do communicates."
(I do not personally endorse any additions after this line. TANSTAAFL :-)
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