> I am going to put it on my windows, and reformat it like You said, I 
> had previously used Ext4 or something like that.. 
Let me be clear, "something like that" isn't going to cut it.  Be precise, take 

1) format it and scan it on Windows if thats the only way you can,

2) put a CDR drive in the box,

3) download and burn a Knoppix-5.x LIVE iso,

4) IF Windows claims the drive is faultless, put the drive back in the K6 box,

5) boot Knoppix,

6) run the dd to wipe the drive, carefully noting any glitches,

7) repartition the drive with fdisk,

8) do NOT format it with ext4!, just ext2.

You're making a 20 year-old system!!!  Forget EVERYTHING that has happened 
since then.  You're going to be using a 2.6 kernel, for crying out loud!

Paul Rogers
Rogers' Second Law: "Everything you do communicates."
(I do not personally endorse any additions after this line. TANSTAAFL :-)
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