> Hi All; Paul, Sorry about not being clear.. When Installing Linux Mint, 
> it is in Partition mode, goes on thru to about 73% of that process, and 
> (Like the other night) it stayed at 73% for over 2 and a half hours, 

Was there a spinner, aka "throbber", on the screen?  What else was on the 
screen at the time and most recently?  What did it say it was going to do 
before then?

> not moving.. When I shut it off and went to bed..It says something like 

Something like?

> "determining file structure"..

Mostly when that happens I think of an I/O error on the drive that it keeps 
retrying and never gets a successful read.  


1) What is/was on the drive?  Got enough free space?
2) Is it at least as large as Mint's system requirements say?
3) Is the drive surface error-free?
4) Find a drive initialization CD/packege either from the manufacturer or a 
generic package and do a surface scan.  Even make it a slave drive on a Windows 
box, format it as one FAT-32 partition, which will make format do a surface 
scan, then scan it again.  If all else fails, "dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/hda 
bs=4096" -- and that will get rid of the Windows junk on the drive.

> Partition mode, sets up the Drive (I think formats the drive) 

You need to KNOW what it's doing!

And like Ken says, I NEVER allow an installer to decide where to partition 
things and format any drive!

> copies the files to the Drive after copying them they are Extracted and 
> Mint is set up, so that the full system is there and is bootable..So 
> the problem is early in the Process, when setting up the drive possibly 

From the way you describe things, all that's extraneous, what WOULD happed IF 
you hadn't gotten stuck first.

> formatting it and Partitioning it (getting it ready for the files to be 
> copied).. Making the 'Root' Partition and the 'swap' Partition.. 
> Somewhere in that process it stops working.. I did have a thought this 

WHERE?  That is critical!

> morning while mowing my friends lawn .. That If I can sort of do a 
> compare on the Linux Mint Version 5 and the Individual programs that 
> are in the List for Linux Mint ver 5, and make a Map of where the 
> different parts of what I have on the list is located in the Mint 
> program.. Maybe I could find the Part that has the Partition program 
> and see if that is or has a 'bug' or error in it.. THANK YOU Marty

Waste of time.  You don't know there IS a bug in the partition program, and I'd 
say chances of that, IF you don't have a bad CD copy, is zero.

> ...
> Far be it from me to attempt to guess what Paul will suggest, but on
> the (thankfully rare ;) occasions when I've had to install a distro
> I always avoid letting it do any automatic partitioning : I select
> whatever it's 'expert' mode is called, create partitions to my
> specification (at a minimum /boot, / for the system I hope to
> install, swap if needed, and unpartitioned space in which I will
> later create partitions for use by LFS).

Yep, me too.  You're doin' fine.

> period were a lot smaller, which I think is why Paul suggested using
> something really old.

And they have drivers specific to that era of hardware, without acquiring a lot 
of useless cruft for stuff off in its future.

> Some distros might let you open a shell on another tty.  If that is
> available, you could try 'df' and 'top' (they might not be
> available) to see what is going on.

"fdisk -l"

> One possibility might be that there is a problem with the CD, either
> the drive or the CD itself.  I assume you burned it on a CDR, from

I told him to get rid of the DVD he put in the box and go back to a 
contemporaneous CDR.

> ...
> P.S., I was partially wrong in what I said, Mint first loads itself 
> into Memory, probably a small version of the whole thing.. 

How much does it load into memory?  Does it let you have a shell?

> Is there any way to Load up a later Mint and use 'Debug' and Load the 
> DVD with Mint 5, and have it load Mint 5 with debug ??

NO!!!  Deal with the problems you have first.  If you keep running around here 
and there you'll get yourself lost and confused.  Confusion must be combatted 
at all costs!!!

Paul Rogers
Rogers' Second Law: "Everything you do communicates."
(I do not personally endorse any additions after this line. TANSTAAFL :-)
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