---------- Original Message ----------
From: "Paul Rogers" <paulgrog...@fastmail.fm>
To: lfs-support@lists.linuxfromscratch.org
Subject: Re: [lfs-support] Gcc Compiling Problem in 32 bit
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2019 13:50:24 -0700

> Paul and everyone;
> You may be blessed with a memory that would remember these things, 

Used to!  But I'm a bit beyond my Biblically alloted "three score and ten", and 
the short-term memory is going.  What they say is true!  But as I suggested 
before, that's why pencils were invented!

I'm not being hard on you gratuituously, it's based on my experience; as you 
wanted.  Computers are nothing if not literal, so we must be up to that 
challenge.  We must be precise, and controlled.

> but, I feel good if I can remember just that I have it, I can then go 
> and find it, 
> which I did..

One thing I did when I bought my IMSAI kit, as we were trained to do getting my 
major in Chemistry, was buy a bound quadrille-ruled notebook to take notes in.  
I very much recommend it!

> it wasn't or didn't have the boot information.. Maybe it wasn't a 
> bootable ISO Image file..

Possible, I suppose, depending on where you got it.  I recommend searching for 
bootable CD.  Or using the LFS Live-CD.

> I wasn't trying to mix and match, but find something that would work on 
> the 586..

As I wrote, I've used Knoppix-5 successfully.

> You told me to first find what possible defects the drive has , then we 
> can see if Linux Mint would then work, ( but, if it couldn't I thought 
> since Slackware booted on the 586, that if I found a later version of 
> it, it would be a suitable substitute)..

Generally, erroneous.  That MAY work for closely related versions, but there's 
no way to know for sure.  So you're much better off working with things that 
experience has shown do "play well together".

> Yes, what I have in Linux Mint 5 meets all of the requirements for 
> building Linux From Scratch..
> You also told me that I might not be able to use Linux Mint 5, because 
> it was too late of a version and would not work on the 586 code, Maybe..

If it passes the tests in Ch4, it may be worth a try.  Check the kernel 
version.  There is a point where at least a particular kernel version is 
required to build.  I stopped at 2.6.17, beyong that too much changed that 
wasn't relevant, IMNSHO, to 586 kit.

> Which was another reason I was thinking of using it, if I could find a 
> later version than I have.. 
> I have the LFS- LiveCD, on CD/DVD but, I was having trouble using it, 
> like I would with Mint, Maybe, because it was so much different that 
> what I am used to, I was having trouble making it do what was needed 
> done..

I understand, but am not persuaded.  As when I quoted Euclid, "There is no 
royal road to geometry."  Choosing what is easier is not always best.  That LFS 
LiveCD is exactly what you'll be dealing with when you build, and have built, 
your LFS system.  You'll need to use it effectively to turn that very Spartan 
system into something you can enjoy using.  You'll need skills at the command 
line.  My recent builds have over 400 extra packages!

> P.P.S.,
> Also, Before when I first was proposing to do a LFS on the 586, I 
> proposed to do it on the Dell, and You told me it wouldn't work, so I 
> said OK, BUT, THEN, when I still wanted to do LFS on the Dell, BUT, NOT 
> for the 586, You still thought I was going to use it on the 586, (or so 
> it would seem) but, I was only wanting to do it on the Dell at that 
> time for the Experience of making it all of the way thru the building 
> process of building a LFS system.. But, not for the 586, but, for 
> getting to know what I would be running into, so that when I did do a 
> 586 build, I would kind of know what I was doing / getting into..

What is the Dell, CPU/chipset, etc.  That may or may not work because there is 
20 years between the system you want to build and what it is built on.  Many, 
many things have changed.  I don't see the benefit of trying.  The experiences 
might not be as parallel as you think.  The amount of work certainly doubles.

p.s. Can you be more parsimonious about what you quote as the relevant part 
you're responding to.  It's difficult to follow your posts.

Paul Rogers
Rogers' Second Law: "Everything you do communicates."
(I do not personally endorse any additions after this line. TANSTAAFL :-)
-- Hi All;
Paul, Thank You for being so Kind, in Your Response, I am Sorry that I sounded 
The Dell, (I now have two of them, since my main system went down, and I built 
a second Box this morning.), anyway they Both are Dell Optiplex 755, with Duo 
Core one running at 3.0 GHZ ( the windows machine) and the other at 2.5 GHZ for 
Linux, separate from the 586..
I also just a few minutes ago got another 586 Motherboard, that I hope I can 
find more information on from the Internet.. Once I know more I will pass that 
information on to You..
Yes, Linux Mint 5 did pass all of the requirements of Chapter 4, and the fact 
that I like Linux Mint , was what made it so appealing to me, for this project..
Have a Good Weekend..

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