---------- Original Message ----------
From: "geist1...@juno.com" <geist1...@juno.com>
To: lfs-support@lists.linuxfromscratch.org
Subject: Re: [lfs-support] Gcc Compiling Problem in 32 bit
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2019 01:49:03 GMT

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Ken Moffat <zarniwh...@ntlworld.com>
To: LFS Support List <lfs-support@lists.linuxfromscratch.org>
Subject: Re: [lfs-support] Gcc Compiling Problem in 32 bit
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2019 00:14:39 +0100

On Wed, Oct 09, 2019 at 03:26:59PM -0700, Paul Rogers wrote:
> > I am going to put it on my windows, and reformat it like You said, I 
> > had previously used Ext4 or something like that.. 
> Let me be clear, "something like that" isn't going to cut it.  Be precise, 
> take notes.

> 8) do NOT format it with ext4!, just ext2.
> You're making a 20 year-old system!!!  Forget EVERYTHING that has happened 
> since then.  You're going to be using a 2.6 kernel, for crying out loud!


first, well-spotted that ext4 is inappropriate for such old kernels
- I had completely overlooked that.

But a 2.6 kernel (if that is what that old knoppix version is
offering) should support ext3.  A quick look at wikipedia (as
always, "it might be accurate, or else someone with an agenda might
have updated it") suggests that ext3 was mainlined in 2.4.15.

My memory suggests that it was initially marked as unstable, but I
think I was using it when I first came to LFS (apparently around
March 2002, at least that is the earliest post I can find although I
think that was for my second build - on the first I didn't use

Truth, in front of her huge walk-in wardrobe, selected black leather
boots with stiletto heels for such a barefaced truth.
                                     - Unseen Academicals
Hi Ken;
Thank You for the suggestions, and still talking to me..
I do not mean to upset everyone,..
Hi all;
Paul and Ken;
I have downloaded Knoppix 5.1.1, but I couldn't get it to boot, it says no boot 
BUT, while cleaning in my room, I found a four CD set of Slackware 4.0, with a 
Kernel of 2.2.6..
Right now it is Checking and Formatting the Hard Drive on the 586, running on 
the 586
File type is ext2 with 1K blocks and 1 inode per 1024 bytes..
I hope that this is about what You would be OK with for checking out the Hard 
Also, from what I can see (so far) this might work for my Host, or is it too 
old of a Kernel to make this work..

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