> Youth dies of toothache:
> > > <http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17372104/>http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17372104/
> > > <http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17372104/>
> > >
> > > How would a truly free market have prevented his
> > > death or did such a concept ever exist in
> practice?
> Starting at the foundation:
> 1. In a true free market, people would not bother to
> have kids without
> being able to pay for them out of pocket. Without
> the sub standard
> public schools, etc. One can guess the universe
> would be far healthier
> since people would be paying attention to that which
> matters instead
> of pretending health is government's job.
> 2. This would ideally include educating them to know
> their body.
and just what world are you living in ?

Collectivism is in charge here, and will remain in
charge, it seems.

Whinning changes nothing, nor does spamming articles.

Freedom ain't gonna happen . Nobody even seems to want

Nobody wants it.

That is the real problem.

If people actually wanted freedom they would make it
happen. But they don't want that. Damn shame, but that
is reality.

Freedom ain't what people want.

Tragic, but all too true. All too many people are *terrified* by the
consequences of freedom. They don't want it, and will actively
fight against it.
                                                             Tu Ne Cede Malis 

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