At 20:16 -0800 3/3/07, Lazlar wrote:
>Freedom ain't what people want.

        Ya know?
        If you repeat that often enough, it just might become
one of them thar self-fulfilling prophesies.

        Just because you don't have what you want, it doesn't
necessarily follow that you can never achieve it.

        Now, I can't speak for humans, but I can sure as hell
speak for weeds, for every spring the buggers are everywhere,
and if I were to appoint a name to weeds, it would be Libertarians!

        So, it =ain't= what most people want.
        Weeds hang in there.
        Everything else gets pampered by the local government.
        Get my drift?

Bureaucracy: That aspect of whatever organization, which seeks to 
increase its size and importance in direct proportion to its 

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