--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, "goat!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Once again, are you better off surrounded by hostiles,
> an army of one, or surrounded by people who have common
> concern in protecting the group's interest and liberty?

The former obvioously, but you spoke of THE COMMUNITY AS A WHOLE,
which includes those shitheads you clal "hostiles"!!!

> Community isn't a scam, just as family or tribe

As I said before, if we are to speak of MY FRIENDS as a (**A**)
Community, then I am all in favor of uniting for our common Good. 
Just don't think that my Interests coincide with THE COMMUNITY AS A
WHOLE.  Only those few I choose to associate with.

99.9 percent of the people in this country are shitheads who feel that
it is okay to Initiate Force against me when I fail to wear sifficient
clothing or refuse to pay child support.  Yes, all of those people
disagree with me.  Only the few, the libertarians, agree with me that
it is immoral to Initiate Force against a man for those things.  Yes,
we are outnumbered and always will be.  Doesn't make the shitheads
"Right" just because they can pick us off with high-powered rifles.

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