On Sun, 13 Apr 2008 05:30:16 -0700, Roy J. Tellason  

> On Sunday 13 April 2008 04:35, Wraith wrote:
>> Neo Cons tend to believe that other people are evil, and thus must be
>> watched by the States enforcers. Neo Libs tend to believe that other  
>> people
>> are stupid, and thus must be "protected" by the States enforcers.  
>> Combine
>> the two, and one has a rather familiar warfare/welfare state. I was  
>> once a
>> minarchist, until I realized the folly of the position.
> Nice summary,  there...

        Very true. This country is going through the same crap that the Chinese
went through about four thousand years ago. You had two groups of  
Mandarins, the
Legalists tand the Confuscians. The Confuscians believed that given a  
that man would behave ethically and would "turn towards Heaven"-- that he  
perfectable. The other group, the Legalists, believed that man was  
evil and had to be forcably restrained by an enlightened class for the  
good of
everybody. The first Chinese Emperor, who was a butcher of the worst sort,  
along with the Legalists, and his chief advisor, Mo Shu, was the architect  
the first police state. And it was one of the ugliest in history. He had  
was called "The System of Family Espionage" where family members were  
for informing on each other. That's the reason that a Chinese father never  
anything to his kids as a general rule and tends to be pretty  
closemouthed. Your
kids can't get you killed if you don't say anything.

        The Ch'ien Emperor was also responsible for killing almost all of the
Confuscian scholars and burning almost all of the books by this sage. And  
built the Great Wall, which is sometimes called "The World's Longest  
because a lot of the work was done by political prisoners and when they  
while working on the wall, their bones were added to the mortar. You can go
along sections of it and see the bones sticking out.

        Our problem is that our politicans are, regardless of label, Legalists.
They all think that we're too evil and too stupid to know what's good for  
and increasingly they're getting away from the Agency Theory which holds  
they are our agents and must accept realtime input from us and more towards
the Trusteeship Theory, wherein they claim that we've elected a trustee  
and our
only input is at elections when we can either ratify their actions or not  
voting for or against them. And in some places that shift is incendiary,  
is how Harry Reid almost lost his Senate seat with a contested 473 vote  
During the period when the 94 Omnibus Crime Bill with the Brady Bill and  
Feinstein-Schumer Assault Weapon Ban passed, Reid made it clear that he  
give a damn what any of us thought. And he wasn't alone, because that's the
prevailing belief on the Hill.

        Unfortunately it looks like the damned Legalists are winning in this
country and whenever those monsters win anywhere, secret police, secret
prison systems and concentration camps soon follows because the core of
Legalist Government in the end, comes down to institutionalised State
Terrorism, perpetrated against the civil population.
"Implications leading to ramifications leading to shenanigans." Admiral  
Elmo Zumwalt, USN

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