--- In LibertarianEnterprise@yahoogroups.com, "Gary F. York"
> Real estate values in the Hills will no doubt have its ups and downs; 
> but there are plenty of people who would like to live there who don't 
> live there now that I'd be confident of a timely resurgence of values.

Values Schmalues, we're supposed to be talking about Total Wealth,
whether by your definition or mine.  We have no disagreement about
Market Values, as I have stated over and over, so that is moot.

I have carefully stated over and over that I am talking about what
originally brought this subject up:  An alleged SUDDEN loss of Wealth
(HIS WORD) that Hugh Hewitt (and the Senator) claimed occurred in a
few hours by Stock Market "Losses".

The question is whether or not there is a real Loss of Wealth,
OVERALL, TAKING EVERYONE INTO ACCOUNT, in an instant, merely by a Free
Trade.  What might (or might not) happen next month is irrelevant.

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