Zack Bass wrote:
> --- In, "Gary F. York"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Libertarians are simply not keen to construct a society which would 
>> empower predators; rather, we seek to diminish or completely eliminate 
>> the opportunity for one person to gain advantage specifically by 
>> disadvantaging another.
> In a Free Trade, both gain (in their own estimation).
> And that is the end of it.  It is not our place to say, "Oh, you
> shouldn't make that deal, it's not what I would have done".  Start
> that shit and you've got a Meddler Government instead of a libertarian
> one.
> It is a solid rock of libertarianism that grown-up adults are capable
> of making their own decisions.
Oh make the contract, by all means.  Just when Jane wants out, she's 
out.  The contract is over.  In default, to be sure; damages owed and 
somehow to be determined. 
> Poor Jane.  She is sick with worry and frustration.  Her kids are
> going to die ghastly deaths, and the only person who has made her an
> offer that will save them is Kevin, but Gary won't let her receive his
> money on Kevin's terms.  Poor Poor Jane.  Who will help Jane and kill
> Gary for threatening to Initiate Force against her when she tries to
> help her suffering children?
> Until this moment, Mr. York, I think I never really gauged your
> cruelty and your recklessness.  Little did I dream you could be so
> reckless and so cruel as to do an injury to those poor sick lads. I
> fear they shall always bear scars needlessly inflicted by you. If it
> were in my power to forgive you for your reckless cruelty, I would do
> so. I like to think I am a gentle man, but your forgiveness will have
> to come from someone other than me.  Let us assassinate this family no
> further. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir? At
> long last have you left no sense of decency?

You know, until this very moment I don't think I really 'grokked' how 
compassionate you are.


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