On 30-Nov-04, Travis Pahl wrote:

 r>> But in order for them to spend less, they have to vote for lower
 r>> authorizations.  By the time it gets to a vote on raising the debt limit,
 r>> that opportunity has passed; it's all-or-nothing by then.

 TP> You are claiming the republican congress not had plenty of
 TP> oppurtunities to pass lower authorizations?

Finally you approach the problem, albeit from the side door. The time to
bitch is when Congress passes the budget and the Prez signs it.

It's like you pawning your watch to make your credit card payment -- that's
NOT the time for your buds to say, "Dude, you shouldn't do this!" The proper
time was when you were charging that big-screen TV on your Visa card.

 TP>>> Republicans are irresponsible.  They spend money they do not have
 TP>>> (debt) and expect tax payers to pay in interest later all the while
 TP>>> pretending they are for smaller government byu slightly lowering our
 TP>>> income tax.

 r>> And I'm sure you think Democrats and most independents are irresponsible
 r>> too.  Which leaves as responsible only some tiny fraction of the
 r>> population.

 TP> ACtually i think most of the population is responsible....

Did you see the red/blue map broken down by counties?

 r>> And the news media have enormous influence on how representatives and
 r>> their issues are portrayed.  In effect the media move the voters, and
 r>> the voters move gov't.

 TP> And there is plenty of media that calls for smaller spending bills.
 TP> in fact this media is the same media that most republicans love to
 TP> listen to.   But the republicans contnue to increase spending anyhow.

Good grief, what media are you watching/reading?!? It sure can't be the
broadcast networks. Especially during an election year, their news broadcasts
and "magazines" are full of stories of honest Americans hurt by cuts in
government spending.

 TP> Who cares.  The media try to influence people, but the people voted for
 TP> republicans which you are claiming is a vote for smaller government.
 TP> The politicians should respond to the people, not the media.

Politicians respond to polls. Polls are driven by the media. Period.

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