On Fri, 3 Dec 2004 00:39:22 -0800, Lowell C. Savage
> Travis Pahl wrote, in part:
> > ...  My entire life I have heard nothing but
> > 'smaller government smaller government' from the republicans.  They
> > debate about it and pretend that they really want it but each and
> > every year they give us larger government.  they find an excuse each
> > time so that the voters keep voting for them.  But never have they
> > given us smaller government, or given up on the charade.
> Well, charade or not, it's pretty easy to keep believable when your main
> (electable) opponents regularly propose during their campaigns even larger
> increases in government spending than you do.
Once again... blaming democrats does not make the republicans worth
voting for.

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