On 03-Dec-04, Travis Pahl wrote:

 s>> Aside from the past three years, when has a GOP-controlled Congress done
 s>> this?

 TP> I was born in 1977.  Most of my life this is what I have seen.  I do
 TP> not remember the reagon years well,...
 TP> A couple years later we got a GOP controlled house.  They ran on their
 TP> contract with America which to a large degree was about smaller
 TP> government.  They passed on larger budgets for Clinton to sign than we
 TP> had ever seen before....

Hmmm... didn't they balance the budget and generate a surplus?

 TP> ... Then a few years later we got a republican controlled senate and
 TP> white house and the spending has increased even more than it was in the
 TP> past....

Do you think it would have been prudent to cut the budget in the wake of

 TP> ... My entire life I have heard nothing but 'smaller government smaller
 TP> government' from the republicans.  They debate about it and pretend that
 TP> they really want it but each and every year they give us larger
 TP> government. they find an excuse each time so that the voters keep voting
 TP> for them.  But never have they given us smaller government, or given up
 TP> on the charade.

In our lives, it has been only recently that they've had the chance.

 s>>>> The majorities in the blue pockets are people who LIKE govt spending.

 TP>>> They should start voting for the republicans.  They have increased
 TP>>> spending far more than the democrats have....

 s>> But the Democrats have a long, colorful history of spending, whereas the
 s>> GOP is relatively new at it. Why do you think most govt employees are
 s>> militantly Democratic?

 TP> Actually the GOP has a pretty good history at it too....

Why do you think most govt employees are militantly Democratic?

 s>> I don't think that one cable channel and a handful of talk show hosts
 s>> qualify as "mass media."

 TP> Call it what you want.  But Fox news is the number on 24 hours news
 TP> channel ...

... on cable ...

 s>> ... and talk radio is listened to by millions everyday.

Almost as many as watch Dan Rather?

 s>> The blue media control the polls.

 TP> So republicans are just poll driven idiots?  They do not care about
 TP> anything but polls run by their political opponents supporters.  They
 TP> ignore their own media outlets and voters?

Pretty much ... just like the rest of them.

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