On Thu, 2 Dec 2004 18:33:25 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Travis Pahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in part:
> >> Most people call Pataki and Guiliani "liberal" or "moderate"
> >> Republicans.
> >They were also the stars of the convention.  They along with Arnold
> >are always mentioned as the future of the party.  Does that say
> >something to you?
> Yes, it says what I wrote here a few months ago -- that there's opportunity
> for libertarian/authoritarian leverage in the GOP.  Giuliani and
> Schwarzenegger are frequently mentioned in one breath by Republican
> observers as rising stars and as moderates.  And looked at on a
> "left-right" scale they may be about equal.  However, on the
> libertarian-authoritarian axis there's a great difference between them.

They both seem fairly authoritarian to me.  Arnold sometimes speaks
about economic freedom but his actions since taking office have shown
him to be a typical republican.
> What that means is that influential people in the Republican Party are
> mostly indifferent between libertarian and authoritarian "moderates".  That
> means it would take relatively little influence by either libertarians or
> authoritarians to get one type or the other installed in major offices.
> That's leverage.

So I should support the republicans to try and get more like arnold in
office?  No thanks.

> >yeah, it is scary to read his platform in 32.  It sounds so free
> >market that you would never guess it is FDR.
> And yet you seem so vehement about the Libertarian Party -- as if it
> couldn't happen with them.  But we'll never find out, because they're never
> getting into power.

They have gotten elected to many offices and they have had a far
better success rate at keeping their promises.
> >Like the huge demand to end rent control in NYC?  (something other
> >cities did all at once decades ago)
> And which is being phased out in NYC as well.

yeah, what is this, the 25th aniversary of it being 'phased out'?  It
seems more entrenched then ever to me.

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