On 01-Dec-04, Travis Pahl wrote:

 TP> you do realize that what you are suggesting the voting populace thinks
 TP> is highly irrational.  Do you truly beleive people on average are this
 TP> irrational?

Let's see... "My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss," "Fear Factor," "Trading Spouses:
Meet Your New Mommy," "The Swan," "The Rebel Billionaire: Branson's Quest for
the Best," "Wife Swap," "The Apprentice," "Survivor," ... is that enough?

 TP> It is not a silly show vote.  If they voted they way the SHOULD HAVE
 TP> VOTED, at best they will vote for more cuts later, at worst they will
 TP> have to fund their spending in a more visible way and thus anger
 TP> voters who rightly should be angry.

Right... like that's gonna happen.

Look, Travis, they're politicians. If you expect them to do the honorable
thing, you have to elect statesmen... if you can find any.

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