On 02-Dec-04, Travis Pahl wrote:

 TP>>> you do realize that what you are suggesting the voting populace thinks
 TP>>> is highly irrational.  Do you truly beleive people on average are this
 TP>>> irrational?

 s>> Let's see... "My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss," "Fear Factor," "Trading
 s>> Spouses: Meet Your New Mommy," "The Swan," "The Rebel Billionaire:
 s>> Branson's Quest for the Best," "Wife Swap," "The Apprentice,"
 s>> "Survivor," ... is that enough?

 TP> So now you are suggesting that people should be judged by how they
 TP> spend their leisure time?

Well, yeah!

 s>> Look, Travis, they're politicians. If you expect them to do the
 s>> honorable thing, you have to elect statesmen... if you can find any.

 TP> Exactly my point!  Stop electing Republican politicians. Thanks.

Kewl. So... ya know any statesmen we can vote for?

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