Good morning, again, Bill...

Bill Anderson wrote:

> On Mon, 2004-12-13 at 13:29 -0800, Dave Laird wrote:
>> No, not really, ALTHOUGH I did notice some of the resident Libertarians
>> jumping up and down and waving what appeared to be wood shanks or spears
>> in your general direction. Of course, that could be a ceremonial rite,
>> the purpose of which I am unfamiliar. 8-)
> Oh, it was ceremonial? Does that mean I have to quit sharpening the
> speartip? :^)

[Dave ponders this a minute] Actually, there are a series of studies that
were performed in the early 1900's that suggested if you sharpen the spear
point, the odds increase dramatically that the recipient might get the
point of discussion. Of course you realize, all standard disclaimers
apply, including the one stating for each study, there are at least ten
other studies that contradict its findings. What the hell, Bill, sharpen
the spear tip and call it motivational therapy. 

[The hooker theory of political reform]

> Which begs the question: Which came first, the Hooker or the John? :^D
> I used to think they should likewise legalize and tax those things.

WHAAT? TAX MY pitiful excuse for a JONES? Although I do plead guilty to
occasionally chasing my wife around the house with my Jones in hand for
grins and giggles, like most men nearing sixty years of age, my poor Jones
is more often used as a waterspout than its other seminal functions these
days. I'd rather have an illegal Jones than another tax bill for pleasures
which I'll probably never enjoy in my lifetime. Although I am told by
reputable sources that Theresa La Boom Boom gives a good hum job. (Can I
really say that in Liberty Northwest????). Of course, this means the
gummint will have tax her hummer, now doesn't it? (and thus we prolong
this unworldly and otherwise semi-useless thread on political expedience
for yet another day...)

>> With the possible of the current race for Governor in Washington State, I
>> would have to agree. However, ask *anyone* in Washington State why they
>> voted for either the Cat Lady or the Italian Mafia, and they'll
>> immediately know what you're talking about. That is how bad things are on
>> this side of the State Line. 8-(
> It happens here too. Only here the "part time paperboy's assistant"
> actually resigned. ;^)


> My turn to snicker and stay at work. ;)

Well, yes, there is THAT. 

The Used Kharma Lot
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