Good evening, Frank...

I admit openly and without prompting on anyone's part that I have been
re-reading much of what has transpired over the last week, as I have
missed so much of it, due to being out of town. Having said that, at the
end of a conversation I caught you when...

Frank Reichert wrote:

> Admittedly, my present wife seems to put up with my dogmatics of
> non-compromise much better than the other two were.

I perhaps allot a different meaning to the phrase "the dogmatics of
non-compromise" than perhaps you intended, Frank. Or perhaps you were
merely alluding to the connotation I give to the phrase. In my tepee of
many colorful women, past and present, the dogmatics of non-compromise has
the meaning you take no hostages. That might apply in some marital
communities, but perhaps yours is different. <giggling with glee> 

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The second, a trick.
Later, it's a well-established technique!
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