Good afternoon, Frank...

Frank Reichert wrote:

> Oh crap! Did I screw something up again?  Probably so.

No, not really, ALTHOUGH I did notice some of the resident Libertarians
jumping up and down and waving what appeared to be wood shanks or spears
in your general direction. Of course, that could be a ceremonial rite, the
purpose of which I am unfamiliar. 8-) 

> Frank Reichert previously wrote:
> [Frank bolts quickly to the kitchen for another mug of
> industrial-strength caffeine...]

That's unfair, Frank! I didn't resort to chemical means to discuss things!
Wait a minute here... <Dave goes to the kitchen and also arms himself with
a half-quart of Kona Coffee, stirred but not shaken, with just a twist of
sugar-free sweetener. Now I'm ready for you! ;-) 

> 1. There was a time when I really did believe that the Vietnam
> War was a just war; I have long since taken the reverse position;

Yes, that was a dirty little mess, at least in the opinions of nearly
everyone whose opinions I've listened to. It's too bad they never singed
the hairs of the people responsible for the violations of people's civil
liberties by the CIA, though most people don't even realize that happened
here in the States. 

> 2. There was a time when I really did believe that marijuana and
> other drugs, prostitution, gambling and other 'vices' should be
> illegal and such activities vigorously prosecuted by the state; I
> have since taken the reverse, and opposite position;

We might differ here. Since the gummint feels they can tax the hell out of
another vice, cigarettes, why shouldn't they simply tax the hell out of
the other vices, as well? There is a working-class hooker that routinely
patrols near the area where a group of us have coffee each morning, that
we affectionately call Theresa La Boom Boom. I have to pay taxes. Everyone
else who owns a small business has to pay taxes. What I want to know is
why Theresa La Boom Boom doesn't have to pay taxes? Make the hookers
accountable, not their Johns. Johns have been around for over 2000 years. 

> 3. There was a time in which I believed in the two-party system
> in this country, and for years I vigorously supported Republican
> candidates for public office; I have since come to believe that
> we live in a one-Party-controlled State, in which the issue is
> between ultimate totalitarian 'statism' versus the
> self-government by each individual over their own lives, families
> and property; and as such I believe in the political philosophy
> of the Libertarian Party as the best expression of my political
> orientation now.

With the possible of the current race for Governor in Washington State, I
would have to agree. However, ask *anyone* in Washington State why they
voted for either the Cat Lady or the Italian Mafia, and they'll
immediately know what you're talking about. That is how bad things are on
this side of the State Line. 8-( 

> Of course other dogmatics have changed in my life as well, but
> the above only illustrate that substantial changes in my life
> have occurred over time.
> Such changes in personal dogmatics have occurred as a result of
> dialogue with others, and listening and participating in the
> debate process, including those which regularly occur on Liberty
> Northwest and other such venues. When I have become convinced
> that a particular position that I had previously believed was the
> correct one is neither tenable or correct, then I look at other
> ideas, and eventually assume one that I believe or become
> comfortable with that is a better course to follow and promote.

Isn't that called one of the essential freedoms, Frank? It's called the
freedom to change your mind, is it not? Our founders forgot to include
that in the basic freedoms, I think. 

> As for the relationship between myself and my wife, my wife and I
> have a very different attitude in terms of the importance of
> political dogmatics, and I might suggest that she is really more
> apolitically minded than political.  On the other hand, during my
> 2004 State Representative race, she was my strongest supporter,
> and accompanied me to all the forums, and countless hours, days,
> weeks and months of shaking hands and putting up campaign signs.

Drag her down to Spokane for one of the Gatherings this winter, and we'll
change her from apolitically-minded to someone wearing their political
persuasion on her shirt collar. Stranger things have happened in the past.
After all, it's hard to believe that Connie was once a raving Liberal, now
isn't it? <laughing as I skip on back to work> 

The Used Kharma Lot
Web Page: updated 11/24/2004
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 Fortune Random Thought For the Minute    
Pete:   Waiter, this meat is bad.
Waiter: Who told you?
Pete:   A little swallow.
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