Good evening Ed!

Ed Fischang wrote to everyone...

> "Taunting the Libertarian Bull"
> by Chuck Muth
> December 26, 2004

I read this through, in its entirity, and this is perhaps one of
the most stellar reflections on Washington State politics that I
have seen in a very long while.  The Libertarian Party of
Washington has played a tremendous role in forcing the GOP in
Washington to reflect upon itself in a way that no other force
has been able to do.

When Slade Gordon lost four years ago, due to the presence of a
Libertarian candidate that denied him the election, that fact was
not made widely known.  It appears to be happening all over again
this year, with Dino Rossi perhaps losing by less than 200 votes,
while the LP candidate captured thousands of votes that would
have easily put him over the top!

I wish there was a way to make this point clear to each and every
GOP voter who believed the crap that they were voting for the
lesser of two evils!  The GOP leadership in Washington State
ought to be shaken to the core right now after losing two
tremendously important elections, due only to the presence of
Libertarian candidates denying them victories, and business as

I 'almost' did that here in this year's State election in Idaho. 
In Bonner County, Idaho, there was a dead tie vote between Eric
Anderson (R) and Steve Elgar (D) -- I kid you not.  My vote total
was only 810 votes in this three-man race.  However, Boundary
County tipped the balance and still gave Eric the edge, an edge
enough to win with a razor's edge and keep the GOP in control of
Region I.  A lot of GOP money and resources went into all of
that, at the very last minute to pull that off, but the point is,
it almost didn't work!  It did, only marginally.

That's about ALL I can, or will say about this election. We're
NOT the Washington State LP, in Idaho, far from it.  We don't
even have a statewide LP presence in idaho anymore.  

That's why I am backing off big time in the next election cycle
here. I probably, or at least, most likely won't have anything to
do with running or supporting LP candidates in a local election
here next time.  The current leadership in the LP of Idaho has
become largely counter productive to Party growth.  It is the
ONLY political Party that I have witnessed in recent times that

1. To support it's own candidates for public office;
2. Has disenfranchized large segments of this state from having
anymore to do with it (even former Party leaders who have opted
out and joined the GOP);
3. The currrent LP of Idaho Party leadership has become zilch!
4. Hostility toward the current leadership (admittedly some of
which has come from me because I believe it is certainly most
deserving) precludes anything even remotely funtional in this
State for the next several years at least.

In spite of all the above negatives, I will keep my membership in
the national party active, and hopefully work toward eventually
resolving this stinking mess that the LP is in currently in

I wish 'Taunting the Libertarian Bull' in Idaho was practical
today. We appear rather to have become the laughing stock of the
local media, and hardly in a position over the next few years to
regain all of the strength we lost in such a short time span.  I
can't imagine, for instance, strong LP leaders emerging in north
Idaho again, at least not until the current leadership has been
removed, and how that might happen is anyone's guess.

Kindest regards,

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