On 29-Dec-04, Lowell C. Savage wrote:

 LCS> The problem with his analysis is that Ruth Bennett (the LP candidate in
 LCS> the gubernatorial race) did her best to run to the left.  She
 LCS> emphasized personal freedoms, was thoroughly "out of the closet" as a
 LCS> lesbian and favored "gay marriage."...

You mean she actually campaigned? That's news to me out here in the sticks.

 LCS> ... She claimed, immediately after the election, that she had cost
 LCS> Christine Gregoire (Dem.) the election. Now, it appears that she only
 LCS> "nearly cost Christine Gregoire the election."

 LCS> Add in all the hanky-panky that went on with the recounts, and you've
 LCS> pretty much blown Chuck Muth's original premises clear out of the
 LCS> water--and the rest of the argument with it.

I really don't think so, Lowell. Just as there are diehard Ds and Rs who vote
the straight party ticket, I believe there are thousands who vote for Ls as a
protest because there is no "None of the above" on the ballot.

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