Ed Fischang (shadow) wrote:
> On 29-Dec-04, Lowell C. Savage wrote:
>  LCS> The problem with his analysis is that Ruth Bennett (the LP candidate
> in
>  LCS> the gubernatorial race) did her best to run to the left.  She
>  LCS> emphasized personal freedoms, was thoroughly "out of the closet" as
> a
>  LCS> lesbian and favored "gay marriage."...
> You mean she actually campaigned? That's news to me out here in the
> sticks.

Well...she did take "positions" and there was that little thing in the
voter's pamphlet.

>  LCS> ... She claimed, immediately after the election, that she had cost
>  LCS> Christine Gregoire (Dem.) the election. Now, it appears that she
> only
>  LCS> "nearly cost Christine Gregoire the election."
>  LCS> Add in all the hanky-panky that went on with the recounts, and
> you've
>  LCS> pretty much blown Chuck Muth's original premises clear out of the
>  LCS> water--and the rest of the argument with it.
> I really don't think so, Lowell. Just as there are diehard Ds and Rs who
> vote
> the straight party ticket, I believe there are thousands who vote for Ls
> as a
> protest because there is no "None of the above" on the ballot.

And at this point, the chances of any of those diehard Ls voting for an R
(or a D, for that matter) are about the same as the chances of a diehard R
voting for a D or vice versa.  So, you're left talking about the remaining

Statewide, here are the LP votes (from the vote.wa.gov site) in vote-total
order, least to greatest:

Pres./VP (Michael Badnarik/Richard V. Campagna):  11,955
Senator (J. Mills):                               34,055
Attorney General (J. Bradley Gibson):             56,792
Governor (Ruth Bennett):                          63,346
Secretary of State (Jacqueline Passey):           82,097
Commissioner of Public Lands (Steve Layman):      88,171
State Treasurer (John Sample):                    96,144
State Auditor (Jason G. Bush):                   101,161
Insurance Commissioner (Stephen D. Steele):      107,295
Lt. Governor (Jocelyn A Langlois):               117,147

At least at the Federal level, there only appear to be about 12,000 "diehard
Ls".  At the state level, there appear to be, at most 56,792 "diehard Ls".
So there should be 6554 votes for Ruth Bennett that should be enough to
throw the contest one way or another.  The question is, where did those
votes really come from?  Did they come from disgusted Dems who were wanted
medical marijuana, and gay marriage or did they come from frustrated Reps.
who wanted school choice and whatever else they might have devined from
Ruth's candidate statement.  (See:
qpnn5rCqJv1pVg%3d%3d )

There was also some exit-polling data that Ruth had referred to when making
her statements about pulling more from Dems than from Reps.  Of course, now
that the recounts appear to have turned out differently, she may change her

Another race to look at is the State Auditor race.  The Republican Party
screwed up and ran a kook who wanted to set the State Auditor's office on a
quest to find out "what really happened" in a Tacoma case where the police
chief of one of Tacoma's suburbs murdered his ex-wife and then killed
himself.   He got 841,772 votes (lowest state-wide R total) from either
die-hard Rs or from Rs who didn't bother to read the voter's pamphlet (hmm,
is there a difference between those two types of Rs?)  Both Rs in the two
races where a L got a larger vote total managed to get over a million votes.

Regardless, there's something else going on in WA besides just disillusioned
Rs voting for Ls.  And the Governor's race is definitely not another example
of Chuck Muth's hypothesis.

Lowell C. Savage
It's the freedom, stupid!
Gun control: tyrants' tool, fools' folly.

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