On Sun, 2005-01-09 at 11:51 -0800, Dave Laird wrote:
> Good afternoon, everyone...
> As of this afternoon, Sunday, January 9, I have added an additional news
> peer to Kharma's Usenet news server bringing our total complement of news
> peers to three, which, given our current bandwidth, is about the maximum
> we can carry. However, that bandwidth may change in the near future. 
> This was done subsequent to a Usenet report from last week which
> demonstrated a number of troubling events:
> Usenet News Report
> January 6, 2005
> PEER DROPS:        2
> As you can see, the news server is busy, but occasionally messages and/or
> connections were being dropped. To better insure the messages get through
> to the Usenet Backbone, I have added another news peer capable of reaching
> the Usenet world servers, thus increasing our reliability at putting
> Liberty Northwest on the world stage. 

Would it help the gatewaying of libnw-email to spk.liberty_nw if I set
up INN and peered spk.liberty_nw? What size bandwidth are you pushing
through, if I may ask?

Feel free to respond off-list, of course.


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