
> I agree, such a statement -is- flawed, and that's why I didn't say
> anything of the sort. You asked for examples of abuse of secret
> evidence.

I do not think I did ask for such examples.

Here is a quote of what I wrote:

> Do you still think there is potential for abuse? If so, could
> you provide the libnw list with an example of the kind of
> thing that might happen?

This is in the context of the UK system and I gave a link
to a UK goverment web page above.

I would be interested in any claim made by a list participant
that the UK system, as it stands, is vulnerable to abuse.


Babylon 5 - Midnight on the Firing Line
Sinclair: He said to ignore the propaganda. Focus on what you
  see. I've never seen the Minbari fight dishonourably.

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