Good evening Dave!

Before proceeding further into this post, and since I am unable to contact you via normal email, let me ask how we stand for the mid-afternoon breakfast-luncheon, get-together on October 15th? I'm rather looking forward to this, if we can finally pull one of these off once again!

As you already know, I'll be in Spokane to pick up my wife at the airport, who arrives in Spokane from Miami on Saturday, around 1 p.m.

I am also going to change the subject line a bit here, because what you wrote here demands that we zone in on this one!

Now... to the message at hand:

Dave Laird wrote to Frank Reichert...

I previously wrote:
Which is why I was paying acute attention to the John Roberts
nomination for Chief Justice.  True. The US Federal government
certainly does obviously have strongly worded Constitutional
constraints, such as the 9th and 10th Amendments, that should
normally be interpreted in such a way, say, as to limit the
Federal government's ownership over property, and the propriety
of the federal government from interfering normally in affairs in
which the Constitution either explicitly disallows or forbids, or
does not give normative authority to excersise.

To which, you replied:
On the other hand, I am horrified at Harriet Miers, The Shrub's latest
appointment to the Sandra Day O'Conner's former seat on the Supreme Court,
a Bush-League (pun intended) mid-level glorified secretary who has never
spent one day as a judge in a Court of Law. I am nearly equalled astounded
that, at the present time, very few legislators have even raised the issue
of cronyism, which is what this most obviously is. When in the hell would
you appoint someone to the highest court in the land who has no judicial

I don't know. Since I am not centred on the 'right wing' of American politics, and can't honestly understand their concern over this nomination, (since it appears that the so-called liberal Democrats don't find any special problem with it, so far at least) -- actually, this is something I could envision coming out of the original unrated and uncensored movie "Caligula", that is a disjointed legislature bowing to the interests of the present emperor of the US government!

Yes. I own a copy of the original uncensored and uncut movie Caligula. And although it is raw in sex and graphic detail, it also shows in graphic detail how Rome's national legislature, the Senate, was hopelessly drawn into the frightening prospect of promoting a 'god' in the name of the Emperor, of sorts, who finds a way to humiliate the body so much, that the emperor really gets pretty much what the emperor demands.

Now, you have to understand here too, that politics (particularly today in America) just has to be the filthiest enterprise on earth. You have to wonder too, just how our nation can survive such rotten filth when it is shoved directly into our face in such a nomination as Harriet Miers to actually sit on this nation's highest court! Nothing much really surprises me much any more, but this nomination, supposedly blessed by the liberal left wing of the Democratic Party, and damned by the radical right conservatives, does indeed raise some eyebrows, now doesn't it?

Last time, I also wrote this, in utter disgust:
I believe you may have entirely missed my entire point!  WHY ARE
WE AT WAR AT ALL?  Because we are told we are at war?  Look back
just two paragraphs above.  The reason we have such wars is to
ensure that we are scared shitless and MUST give up our rights
and individual freedom in order to fight the damn war!  That's
the entire purpose for every single war we have waged in the last
four decades of the American civilization!  It is!  Prove me
wrong if you believe you can.  Every single war, from the 'war on
poverty', the 'war on drugs' the 'war on incorrect thinking', the
'war on terror', and I can add several more, I'm sure you can
too, including the upcoming war on Obesity for God's sake!, the
'war on tobacco products'.  All of these wars if you believe in
individual choice, freedom, liberty and so forth our absolutely
ludicruous!  THERE ARE NO SUCH WARS!  At least wars that I will
cetainly not volunteer to surrender my own freedom to their call
for obedience.

To which, you replied:
You forgot one: the war on the Supreme Court, which The Shrub wants to
alter to fit his own warped political agenda. To do so, all he has to do
is pump a list of candidates, whether or not they are qualified, past his
Republican-controlled Senate. It seems, based upon the events of the last
24 hours, he is both capable and willing to do so.

No. Actually you seem to have missed the point and got this entirely wrong. It appears that the Liberal Democrats are very silent, even suggesting in part that this nomination is a good one. It is the right-wing conservatives who seem to be raising the storm of outrage right now over this nomination!

You know, you really might wonder why I brought up the uncut and unrated version of the movie Culigula in all of this. The real resemblance however is that the movie probably has more fact, than fiction, concerning present US politics than you, or most might like to admit may be possible in American politics today!

Let me be blunt here, if I may. We have a prostitute nominee who is offered a seat of power on this nation's highest court. She obviously has served the Emperor rather well over the years, and the Senate seems unable, or unwilling, to contest the Emperor, for what reason only time will tell, maybe a threat of sorts to the Empire!

Whether or not most Americans today would agree with me that we live in an Empire of appointed and approved characters, is irrelevant really. We do have an American Empire, and it shows itself in such military adventures that are taking place, and have taken place during the last five decades, the latest one being an outright assault upon the Islamic world at the central focus of such civilizations as Iraq, Afghanistan, but going much further than that certainly.

By contrast, the Roman Emperor Culigula lasted about three years, before being assainated by members of the Roman Senate. The Shrub has managed not only to last for his first four-year term in office, but was re-elected to a second term of another four years! And the Senate still seems to go along with the first and present nomination to this nation's highest Court!

I wrote last time:
I will not be a hypocrite and pretend to support something I
believe to be both inherently evil and wrong.  I believe the US
federal government, is presently both evil and wrong.  I will not

To which again, you replied:
I could not agree more, Frank.

Well thank you! Actually history is probably my strong suit. Which is why I introduced the original film Culigula into this strange mix of things you just brought up tonight about our most recent Supreme Court nominee from our Emperor. You should probably understand what I am thinking somewhat to understand why I chose tonight to parrellel the two empires together. But actually, Culigula wasn't a military genius either. He was rather an imbesil, and would-be survivalist of sorts, much of what appears to be the case in our present leadership in our own country. Caligula's reign only lasted a short 3 years or so before he was finally assainated and done away with. Emperor Claudius Caesar, also an imbesil replaced him and largely did away with some of the inept corruption and political cronism, but didn't spoil the results of an Empire that had already become largely in sharp decline. I don't like to talk about fate. But I have to wonder also how long an Empire can exist when it is led by imbelsils?

Regardless of this. Our own system is largely in place now. And should this cronyism be allowed, we can likely ancitipate a reciprocal end to American tyranny and hegemony, and Empire no less, which we have enjoyed since the end of the Second World War.

Kindest regards,

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