Good morning, Frank...

Frank Reichert wrote:
> Which is why I was paying acute attention to the John Roberts
> nomination for Chief Justice.  True. The US Federal government
> certainly does obviously have strongly worded Constitutional
> constraints, such as the 9th and 10th Amendments, that should
> normally be interpreted in such a way, say, as to limit the
> Federal government's ownership over property, and the propriety
> of the federal government from interfering normally in affairs in
> which the Constitution either explicitly disallows or forbids, or
> does not give normative authority to excersise.

On the other hand, I am horrified at Harriet Miers, The Shrub's latest
appointment to the Sandra Day O'Conner's former seat on the Supreme Court,
a Bush-League (pun intended) mid-level glorified secretary who has never
spent one day as a judge in a Court of Law. I am nearly equalled astounded
that, at the present time, very few legislators have even raised the issue
of cronyism, which is what this most obviously is. When in the hell would
you appoint someone to the highest court in the land who has no judicial

[minor snip]

> I believe you may have entirely missed my entire point!  WHY ARE
> WE AT WAR AT ALL?  Because we are told we are at war?  Look back
> just two paragraphs above.  The reason we have such wars is to
> ensure that we are scared shitless and MUST give up our rights
> and individual freedom in order to fight the damn war!  That's
> the entire purpose for every single war we have waged in the last
> four decades of the American civilization!  It is!  Prove me
> wrong if you believe you can.  Every single war, from the 'war on
> poverty', the 'war on drugs' the 'war on incorrect thinking', the
> 'war on terror', and I can add several more, I'm sure you can
> too, including the upcoming war on Obesity for God's sake!, the
> 'war on tobacco products'.  All of these wars if you believe in
> individual choice, freedom, liberty and so forth our absolutely
> ludicruous!  THERE ARE NO SUCH WARS!  At least wars that I will
> cetainly not volunteer to surrender my own freedom to their call
> for obedience.

You forgot one: the war on the Supreme Court, which The Shrub wants to
alter to fit his own warped political agenda. To do so, all he has to do
is pump a list of candidates, whether or not they are qualified, past his
Republican-controlled Senate. It seems, based upon the events of the last
24 hours, he is both capable and willing to do so. 

> To raise your last statement about 'how these 'wars' are executed
> -- well damn.  What wars?  They are certainly NOT my wars!  I
> don't give a damn how they are executed at all.  There simply are
> no such wars, and I have no compelling reason whatsoever to
> surrender my liberty to support such a fallacious or non-existent
> war in which I have little or no concern.

Nor I. 

[Another snip]

> I will not be a hypocrite and pretend to support something I
> believe to be both inherently evil and wrong.  I believe the US
> federal government, is presently both evil and wrong.  I will not

I could not agree more, Frank. 

> be a willing part of the atrocities this government inflicts upon
> us as American citizens or the rest of the world that is a
> recipricant of American Imperialism in all its sordid and morbid
> reflections.  I wish there was a way to simply opt out!  I really
> do.  So. Call me a traitor!  I don't care.  But I am NOT a
> traitor.  I do believe as an American I am patriotic to our real
> cause and origin as a nation.  It's too bad that that simple
> words as written within our own Constitution no longer have real
> value or substance to our own fibre, or being, as a nation.
> And for that, I can't and won't apologize.

Well stated, Frank. Well stated, indeed. 

The Used Kharma Lot / The Phoenix Project 
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