On Fri, 30 Sep 2005 11:02:42 +0100, "Tim Bedding"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

>> I agree, such a statement -is- flawed, and that's why I didn't say
>> anything of the sort. You asked for examples of abuse of secret
>> evidence.
>I do not think I did ask for such examples.
>Here is a quote of what I wrote:
>> Do you still think there is potential for abuse? If so, could
>> you provide the libnw list with an example of the kind of
>> thing that might happen?

I fail to see any significant difference.

>This is in the context of the UK system and I gave a link
>to a UK goverment web page above.
>I would be interested in any claim made by a list participant
>that the UK system, as it stands, is vulnerable to abuse.

And I stated that "I can't comment about the UK since I'm not familiar
with your specific laws or issues."

So where are you going with this discussion? What is it that you want
to hear? Have you already made up your mind about the issue and
seeking validation or are you genuinely confused?

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